Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hold the Phone

Hold the phone. I just realized something. This past week has been a great one for reflection where Emmilie tries to figure out what to do with her life. (Yet again. It's awesome.) There have been lots of people that have given me great advice and offered so much wisdom and support. Yet everyone always asks me if I'm having boy problems. Nope. I'm good in that department thank you very much. But guess what? I have had two offers of marriage this week. Granted they were offers for arranged marriages. I had two guys tell me that I could marry their sons, no problem. But two offers of marriage. What the St. Francis. Do you know how much easier my life would be if I was getting married. I know that it would secretly be stressful, but I could make all of my decisions around that. That would help my life. So maybe all I need to do to figure out my life is meet these two squares, fall in love with one of them and get hitched. But then again, maybe not. Just thought I'd rant for a bit. It's fine. Thank you, and goodnight. 

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