Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Waiting for Godot...

Okay, so Waiting for Godot is one of my favorite plays; thank you Samuel Beckett. It is a very existential play, and as such is not as nearly as appreciated as it should be. It is about two men who wait for a man who never comes. (More or less... there is a lot of brilliancy in between) It's been called the play where nothing happens twice. Basically it is a play all about waiting.

Why am I offering a review? Well... my life has become all about waiting. I'm waiting for a little email from the Disney Company to tell me how my life is going to go for the next few months. It's completely out of my hands, and in the Lord's. Which really, is a far better place to be, wouldn't you say? But the anticipation is killing me. I really want to know what is going to happen. And yet, I am experiencing a surprising amount of patience, considering that it is me. I know that it is all going to be okay no matter what the outcome is. I guess you could say that I am more excited to find out than impatient. I know that as soon as they can, they will let me know. And Holy St. Francis, having patience makes life so much easier. I never thought that I would be able to say that, but it does. Thank goodness! Now not by any stretch of the imagination am I saying that I am a patient person. But I will say that I am slightly more patient than I was about six months ago. It's amazing what can happen when you have to be patient!!!

I think that I really just needed to get that out. There was really no order to this blog, so I hope dear readers that you enjoyed the inner-workings of my mind just then. That's right. Just relish in it. Thank you, and goodnight.

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