Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today I officially decided that psychology people are insane. They have to psychoanalyze everyone they have ever met to give justification to their own neurotic behaviors. Pardon me, I suppose I should say that they are interesting rather than insane. But alas. They really are fascinating people. Sometimes I find that the people in my class are as interesting as the theorists themselves. But of course, that could just be because some of my dear class mates have the tendency to take upon them some of the theories that they learn about. Remember Existentialism?

In my class we have a test every other class on the chapter we are studying. It's a good method, just kind of hectic. But you know, whatever. But, pretty much ever test, the class revolts and argues to make it a group test by using theories from the chapter. It is always very interesting. Sadly, my mind does not in fact work that way, and I always wonder how in the crap these people come up with the stuff that they do. Well today, I was given a peek. Before class started, and our professor was in our room, one of the main instigators decides to practice his approach. Suddenly I was taken back to High School watching my freshmen practice their scenes. The seriousness, yet sly smirk that reads, "Look how freakin' awesome/cool/HOT/freakin' sweet I am right now," was clearly evident on this kids face. And rightly so, I can't come up with that. But when he started his rehearsal, I wanted to ask him how many times he practiced it, and how many of those times were in front of a mirror. It was rough trying to keep a straight face when he actually presented it to our teacher. But he did.

But I suppose that instead of this slight mockery, I should be publicly thanking him for allowing me to get a good grade on my test. Because oh yeah! I'm not smart in that class, and bomb the quiz if we don't do a group quiz!! So thank you dear boy in my psychology class whose name I shall probably never know. My grade is all thanks to you. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! And now that I have given my analysis (more or less...) of you, you too can group me in the insane section of the psychology department. Thank you, and goodnight.

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