Friday, March 6, 2009

Run It Out

The gym. Yeah, I know what you are feeling. A slight duality of emotion, resulting in hatred, yet fondness all wrapped into one. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure that it's normal...ish. Ahem. I was at said gym last night, and it got me thinking. I secretly really like the gym. For several reasons.

1. It's great for people watching. You get some crazies in there, and as always, they make my heart happy. I really like the guys that are seriously hard-core, and seriously only live for the two-hour increments that they spend at the gym. You know the ones. They are generally the ones in the corner about to tackle the biggest and baddest weight machine. In between sets you can see them flexing to themselves, as if to say, "Yeah. Yeah, you got this." They are pretty sweet. Then you have the married couples, generally the newly married couples that are just there to support, and watch each other stretch. They often use vocabulary such as, "Good job, baby." Resulting in Emmilie almost throwing up all over the bow-flex as she passes by. I also really enjoy the group of guys that want to hang out in gyms, but clearly don't belong there. They kind of centralize to one somewhat off-hand location of the gym where they can sit and watch all of the other people work out. Then you have the girls that can't really make up their minds about what they want to do. So instead of just picking something, and building up, oh, I don't know, endurance, they try it all. Just guess which one I fall into. It's fine. 

2. I like the gym because you can listen to whatever crazy and ridiculous music pumps you up, and no one can judge you for it. If Pocketful of Sunshine does it for you, crank that Natasha Bedingfield just a little louder. If Styx is more your style, go for it. If you rock out to Savage Garden, be not ashamed. Thanks to modern technology and Apple, you too can be a rock star, and jam to crap. It's awesome. Personally I jam to Footloose, but that's just me.

3. I really enjoy the concept of the TV in a gym. Now, some people don't bring ipods, and jam to whatever, so good thing they have TV's to distract them from the fact that they are working up a sweat. But some people like to run to U2's Vertigo. Yet they also can't help but be distracted by the TV right in front of them. So the problem you run into is this: You are watching a mindless re-run of an old Friends episode. You know, the one where Joey finds himself an identical twin. But once the earbuds go in, it becomes meaningless because all you hear is Cartel rocking out to "Say Anything." Yet you still watch Ross running around like a crazy man while Phoebe and Rachel watch, horrified. It doesn't make sense, but we as humans still embrace this strange phenomenon. And then, there is a moment of slapstick, and you laugh out loud. Probably out of context, because you have no idea what they are saying. And let's face it, Good Charlotte isn't very funny. But whatever. You don't care. You think that the faces that Chandler is making are brilliant. 

4. Speaking of television, I also think that the commercial effect is funny too. Americans know most commercials that we will see on TV. We are crazy, and when we don't see them in between our favorite episodes of The Office and 30 Rock we search for them on youtube. So we know pretty much what they are all about. So while you are rocking out to Ok Go's "Here It Goes Again," but that really funny Coke commercial comes on, you can't help but laugh out loud. Even though you can't even hear what the crap is going on. And then you look like a moron, and the guy on the stationary bike next to you gives you that look. Thank goodness for endorphins. They make it all seem okay. And thank goodness for volume control. More than once I have had to block out the mocking laughter. It's fine. 

So in a nutshell, I like the gym. And don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy the actual working out process as well too. But the cultural aspect is pretty much awesome. Next time you go, check it all out, and you will know what I mean. Thank you, and goodnight. 


Sara said...

You are SO FUNNY AND CLEVER. I love you! No, seriously, I love you.

will said...

I know that I must have caused the soiling of at least three bowflex classics and for that crime and misdemeanor I apologize to the Gym Janitors.....'good job Baby"

Emmilie said...

Hahaha! you would.