Saturday, March 7, 2009

Prince Caspian

Okay, so there was this one time, that I went to Hollywood Studios with some peeps. It was a good day, full of ice-cream-eating, roller-coaster-riding, Mila-screaming, Star-Wars-auditioning fun. It was just a good day. And part of the reason for this greatness is thanks to my good friend, Prince Caspian. What a stud. My posse and I decided to go and meet him, and snag some photos. It was sweet. As we were waiting in line, I dared Shaun to hit on Prince Caspian. Because let's face it, 88% of all the male characters are in fact gay. Bless their hearts. Shaun laughed out loud, and being Shaun, he agreed. I was worried that Shaun was going to flake, but then he reminded me why we are friends. Because he is awesome. We travel into Narnia, (I know, right?) and Prince Caspian is standing there in all his royal glory. What a stud. He asks us where we are all from, and asks Shaun last. I'm waiting; waiting for the awesomeness/awkwardness to ensue. Shaun tells him very straightly that he is from Idaho. Prince Caspian is a little confused, and asks what there is to do in Idaho. We respond that really, there is not much, but it's still a nice little place. Then we line up for a picture. Caspian is standing with his hands on his hips in an oh-so-heroic manner. Elicia asks if she can put his arm through his, and he charmingly tells her yes. Then it happened. Shaun too asked if he could put his arm through his in an oh-so-seductive manner. Caspian kind of freaked out a little, stuttered some unintelligible babble, but recovered nicely with, "Um, I suppose if you want to..." I laughed out loud. That would happen. Shaun hits on the only straight Prince Caspian. Needless to say, it was awesome, and Shaun will forever be my hero and a half for hitting on Caspian. Thank you, and goodnight. 

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