Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weather or Not

Emmilie is in beautiful Arizona. The Arizona that has the reputation for always being sunny and happy. Bright and beautiful. Hot and dry. The temperature for tomorrow is going to be a warm 61 degrees, with light rain. Thursday is going to be a little cooler at 54 degrees, with AM showers. Friday, it's going to warm up as the sun comes out; it will be a lovely 61 degrees again with no chance of precipitation. Doesn't that sound perfect for mid-December weather? Oh, it is, but guess what?! That's for freakin' Phoenix!!! Guess where I am?? Freakin' Prescott!!! Where it snowed all day long!!! Awesome...so awesome. Let's take a little look-see at the forecast for Prescott, shall we? Tomorrow there is a 100% chance of snow, with a high of a whopping 35 degrees. Thursday will have a high of 34 with some snow showers in the morning. Then on Friday, things are going to be warming up to 40, so grab the Bermuda shorts folks, it's a heat wave.

Okay, so really after being in freezing Rexburg I should really have no room to complain. But let me admit you entrance into my mind for one little moment in time. The only thing that got me through that week and a half in Rexburg that was insanely cold (Yes, it was only a week. Eat it.) Was the knowledge that I was only a matter of days away from going to hot and dry Arizona. However, Arizona apparently missed the memo about the hot and dry part. What the St. Francis?! So instead of the warm, blissful Arizona I had been planning and hoping for, I am back to freezing. At least there is not that wretched Rexburg wind that likes to blow from all directions at the same time! I mean, as fun as that is...

However, it is really interesting watching native Arizonians reactions to this weather, especially after having just come from Iceburg, oh, I mean Rexburg. This morning, I drove Cooper to seminary...early. And the weather was rather craptastic. I won't lie. But nothing that couldn't be handled with caution. I mean freak, I drove in it. It couldn't have been that bad. But people were freaking out! They were driving so slow! It was kind of funny, actually. The schools had a minor panic attack too. They delayed the start of school two hours because of the snow. It wasn't even a raging blizzard. It was just some yucky snow. I guess I am slightly cynical because I grew up in Utah, and some in Minnesota, where they never cancel school for such a silly thing as snow. Then I decide to go to school in Idaho where the roads close, but the school doesn't. (Wrap your head around that one...) I just though it was a fun little culture thing... Bless the Arizonians. Aren't they cute. And for now, I guess I will just continue to freeze my nose hairs off with the rest of them.

Oh, and just so you know, the high for Orlando tomorrow is going to be 83. Thank you, and goodnight.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Soon enough you will be in Orlando.. wishing for it to be cooler.. so enjoy the cold while you have it... The grass is always greener.. I have the 80's and sunshinny.. but I want the cold and snow(just for the week of Christmas).. see we are never happy with what we have got!
Say hi to everyone in ARIZONA for me!