Monday, November 30, 2009

Womanizer, Baby

I believe there is an epidemic among men. Now, while I have not fallen victim to this personally for a while, I have still been affected. I would venture to say that every woman at some point in her life has fallen prey to this disease. What is this disease I'm speaking of? Womanizer, you're a womanizer, baby. Indeed, men all over the world are busy left and right taking advantage of impressionable women who are swooning for their chauvinistic ways. What exaclty is a womanizer? Read on, dear friend. Read on.

Womanizer: [woo m-uh-nahy-zer]

a philanderer.


to pursue women lecherously.

There you have it. A womanizer is nothing more than a foolish man who goes around making each and every woman he comes into contact with feel special. Feel like the exception. Feel like they have a spark. Feel pretty. Feel good. Now, is it wrong to make another individual feel good, feel special, and feel pretty? False. Is it wrong to do so with the intention of leading said woman on, while never intending to have any sort of commitment to her? Truth.

Stop reading right now, and ask the closest woman to you if she knows such a man. I imagine something like this will happen. Her eyes will roll in disgust; her jaw will jut forward, and her overall countenace will turn to irritation and animosity, as she shakes her head with fire in her eyes. "Yes." She is sure to reply. She knows of such a man. "Steve." "Hank." "Jerry." "Tom." "Billy." "Danny." "Bobby." "Rick." "Dan." "Hal." Fill in whatever name you desire, his actions will be the same. She will then proceed to tell you in the most animated and passionate manner possible of why Hank, or Tom, or Bobby is scum of the earth. I'm sure his philandering will include flirting- with her and every other girl in the room. She will tell you of all the times they leaned in too close, or touched her arm or hand, or hair. It will include how she was convinced that he was in fact "in" to her. It is also sure to include the weeks and weeks she spent in between the flirting waiting and touching for Hank, Tom or Bobby to call her. It will include how attractive Hank, Tom or Bobby indeed is, and how naturally she couldn't just let it go; he is a hunk, and he made her feel special. She will then tell you how Hank, Tom or Bobby showed up to some party where he said he would meet her, and probably 4 other girls with some babe in red lipstick on his arm. That's when she and the 4 other girls took a hint, cried it out, ate some ice cream and started a bitter vendetta against Hank, Tom or Bobby.

It's a vicious cycle. But guess what? It happens every day. And until men like Hank, Tom and Bobby man up, realize the inflence they have on women, and decide to give them the respect they deserve, the cycle will just keep on repeating.

Now you know. You know what a womanizer is. Boy don't try to front, I know just what you are. Womanizer, baby. Thank you, and goodnight.


Shaun Mayo said...

I don't know if I should be offended.
How can a man overcome such a disease?

winky face

Emmilie said...

Get married.

Emmilie said...

winky face.