Friday, November 20, 2009

Confession Session:

Now, to make my life easier, and the conversations less awkward, I tell people that I am from California. This is what we would call a fallacy.

Fallacy: a mistaken belief. The notion that Emmilie is from California is a fallacy.

I have only lived in California for two weeks of my life. It's fine. Yet it's just so much easier to say that I'm from California. I'm not really from anywhere else. This is why I return to the argument that goes a little something like this. "I'm from America. Eat it." (But people generally want a few more specifics. Selfish.) For the most part this fallacy, or mistaken belief, works out quite nicely. However, someone always seems to know someone from California. That poses a problem for me, because they then proceed to ask me geographical questions about my NOT home state. These are questions that I should know the answers to. Sadly all I really know is that I live in Northern California. San Diego and LA are south. That's all I've got. I've flown into Redding once before. I live next to the ocean. I think that the Oregon border is just a few hours north of me. I really don't know where Riverside is, even though when asked I will always feign recognition and understanding. You see, it's not that I'm a liar. Oh, no. I just refuse to say that I'm from Utah... and I'm not really from anywhere else. The life of a gypsy.... What more can I say? I have learned a lot though. I know that Eureka is different from Yreka. Yreka is north. I also know that Arcata is different from Arcadia. Arcadia is south. That makes me sound a little bit more legit when people ask. I'm basically a work in progress. And maybe someday I will learn the geography of my state. But until then, know that I'm basically a fallacy. Thank you, and goodnight.


Shaun Mayo said...

not a fallacy, you're a joke.

Emmilie said...

punch you in the face.

Corey Lyn said...

Don't worry, I tell people I don't know I'm from Florida because I hate admitting I'm from Missisippi, even though I have only lived in Florida for 1.5 years of my life.

Wendi J said...

Just so you know Riverside is south. For me it is on my way to Disneyland. It is a town I pass every time we drive. We all are kind of gypsys, Sometimes you reach a point in your life where that doesn't matter.