Monday, April 20, 2009

Nonsense, Thy Name is Woman

Okay girls, this one is for you. So tonight as I was people watching, well more like listening, I overheard a conversation that made me consider the universe again. There was this really attractive French boy sitting next to this cute little girl from America. She made a comment off-hand that was directed at no one. Most likely it was about the awful conditions that equal waiting for a bus at Epcot. (You should be so lucky as to know what I mean) But she expressed her extreme hatred for it, and the boy from France, we'll call him Luc, (It's French.) heard her. Now Luc made a seemingly off-hand response back, but this girl, being the bright and ambitious young college student that she is decided to make the most of this seemingly off-hand situation. We'll call her Veronica. Now the moment that Luc decided to speak to Veronica, Veronica tried to keep the conversation going. Now I know what you are thinking, most normal, polite people would do something like this. But wait for it. They had a cute little conversation; which was completely pointless and I forgot everything that they said. Until Veronica got the the climax of the moment. Out of nowhere, she began talking about that one time she had to wrestle an alligator. Upon listening to her reenactment of the story, I began to contemplate my life just a little bit. Okay girls, this part is for you: How many times, when we are trying to hold the attention of an attractive man, (a French one at that) do we look for opportunities to tell about how awesome we are? Because heck, we even wrestle alligators. I know I have done it, and upon contemplating this I was taken back to that day in Biology 100 at BYU-I when I sat next to that attractive man, and somehow I was able to turn the conversation to that awesome story about that time that I gave blood and the crazy Red Cross Lady punctured the side of my vain. We all do it; anything to make ourselves seem awesome. And I thought about it again, and I realize that it's all just nonsense. 

Now I don't mean that every time you tell that story about the time you wrestled that alligator, or tried to donate blood you are trying to hold some attractive guy's attention- but when those "I'm Awesome" stories pop up in the first 37 seconds of knowing someone, that's where we get into trouble. Just think about it next time you meet that attractive guy at the bus stop. And remember, it's really just nonsense. Thank you, and goodnight. 


Jared said...

you certainly have some very interesting one might assume that you were this girl from the story (a.k.a Veronica), but who knows...only you do...j/k good story though. kinda left me hangin' there...but i guess since you dropped your name as the eavsdropper then you can't possibly be veronica...anyways great story and don't worry guys do this all the time...probably more so than girls.

will said...

Veronica and Luc will probably get married , raise a brood of children start a professional training center for reptile wrestlers and put the French back into La Baton Roulez !!!

of course they will settle in Louisiana