Sunday, April 26, 2009


Okay, so I don't know what it is about nature, and seeing animals live in it, but people freak out. So I work at a restaurant where there is an aquarium, and therefore fish- which is a part of nature, and therefore a cause to freak out, thank you Disney Guests. I don't know how many times a day I hear that people want a good table to be able to sit next to the fish. And if they don't get that coveted table, I get to hear about how they made these reservations three months ago, and it's little Annie's 2nd Birthday, as well as their 14th year anniversary. Not to mention the fact that they are celebrating Uncle Ray's promotion and Grandma Jean's recovery from cancer- clearly all good reasons for them to sit by the fish. When in reality, little Annie won't even remember the blasted fish, and Uncle Ray and Grandma Jean are happy just to be here. So 15 minutes, a pager buzz, and some awkward small talk later, they are sat by the fish. And every time this little ordeal happens, it makes me ponder what it is about seeing animals like those blasted fish in their natural habitat that make people freak out. I just don't get it. And it's not just the fish at the Coral Reef that are causing all of the commotion. How many times have you been walking outside, and you or one of your companions will make a little exclamation like this: "Oh my! Look! It's a squirrel! Look at the squirrel!!" There is usually a lot of high pitched inflection involved as well as some waving of the arms for such an announcement. Yet everyone knows what I am talking about. Or maybe you are watching that bird fly across the lake, and there is some frantic pointing, some yelling and possibly even some "ooo"ing and "ah"ing. Really, it's not that cool. So maybe my indifference for animals is coming through a little too much. Don't think that I'm anti-animals, or even anti-nature. Not at all; in fact I find it to be yet another beautiful testimony to the power of God. I just don't see what all the fuss is about, and why the human race feels it necessary to freak out. Thank you, and goodnight.


Kinsey said...

When we eat at your restaurant in aproximately 10 days can we sit by the blasted fish? PLEASE???? :)

will said...

I have heard you exclaim in your native habitat " OH OH OH I see an Aeropastle !!!!" swooning in your very cool flats ...and just imagining what ANOTHER pair of jeans will look like in one of their oh so fashionable bags....clenched in your tight fist wondering if by the chance of the retail designing gods that might be just past that Jamba Juice.....could it be yes....A SHOE SOURCE....trample the dern squirrel!!!! mama needs a new pair of ALL-STARS!!!!!!!!