Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Remember

Today was an interesting day. It was a day in which I got to relive some of the worst moments of my life in detail. The time when I was so sick for so long. My car accident. My parents divorce. I don't have too many memories from when I was sick. I have a few memories of being hospitalized. I remember being so scared that first night, waiting to be checked in, not knowing what was coming. I had run out of hope, yet I was still desperate to believe that everything was going to be okay. I remember the look on my mother's tear stained face as she watched me through the window on the other side of the door. I remember being strapped to a gurney, and riding in the back of an ambulance. I remember countless doctor's appointments all over the city. I remember thinking nothing was ever going to get better. I remember the car accident, and the chronic pain. I remember the physical therapy appointments that left me sore for days. I remember the feelings of weakness and aching. I remember the fear I felt when I found out that my parents were getting a divorce. I remember Thursday nights. Yet, I remember laying on the floor of that hospital reading my scriptures, desperate for some kind of peace. As I continued to read I felt that peace engulf my mind and my heart. For the first time in a long time, I felt hope. I felt the stirrings of happiness. I felt love. I remember the priesthood blessings after the accident that promised that I would be okay. I remember the whispering of the spirit that Christmas when everything about my family changed. I remember how we saw miracles. It is amazing to me to remember these moments of pain, and immediately be filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, love and appreciation for my Father in Heaven, and his beautiful plan. I would not be where I am today, nor this happy had it not been for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through Christ I can do all things- including living each day happily with the knowledge that I am a daughter of God. That blessing is worth every night I spent in the hospital. It's worth every physical therapy appointment. It's worth every tear I cried. I love that fact that our Father in Heaven loves us enough to give us trials that will bless us in ways we can never foresee. I love God. Thank you, and goodnight. 

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