Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life Takes Joy

Life is funny. Here are a few examples:

  • That time that guy came over to my apartment and tried to hit on us with this classy line, "So what blood type are you?"
  • That time I had lunch with Jordan, Tyler and Alex. 
  • That time that a co-worker asked me if I liked Daughtry, but with his thick accent it sounded like "Do you like adultery?"
  • That time that Shanae and I took Jared and Brett to Sweet Tomatoes, and they were highly appalled with the lack of meat, the amount of salad, and how few calories there were in the ice cream. "It's non-fat."
  • That time I almost strangled myself on my scarf...twice.
  • Bruce and Sheldon
  • "It is a peanut butter and jelly shake. the jelly is silent like the 'K' in knife."
  • That time that Jordan and I ate at the Rose and Crown Pub. 
  • Morocco
  • That time I almost had to call Cici's to ask them if they found my pants.
  • Playing MASH with Latoya
  • All those times I danced in public
  • That time that everyone thought I moved the table with my gut. (And I don't have a gut... it's fine.)
  • That time that Shaun Mayo made an armadillo pancake that was scared. 
  • Spooning with Dale
  • That time that my roommates and I were a chess club. 
  • Al men named Steve.
  • "Shanae says 'Hi," Okay, sorry- Shanae says 'Holla,' and she threw up some gang signs."
See? Life is funny. Thank you, and goodnight. 


Kinsey said...

I highly appreciate this list. But especially those that I was a part of because I slightly laughed out loud when I saw them. However, I would like to add one more:
The time that you accidentally told your date (via text to the wrong person) that he was lame. That was one of my favorite funny times with you.

Unknown said...

That list rocks...just saying is all

Emmilie said...

Oh Kinseth... that was a great moment in life/not.

Hannah said...