Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have a few dreams for my life. Well, more than a few. But here are just a couple. I am convinced that people are good. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I believe that people are genuinely good; and more than most things in life, I want to highlight it. I want to each week, find a random stranger who lives an ordinary life. And ordinary life that is filled with joy, sorrow, pain, pleasure, laughter, tears, and love. I want to highlight the good that is done each day within that person's life. Because everyone is capable of goodness. 

Another dream I have is to live on the beach and write for some little, practically no-name paper that somehow has ties to the AP wire. I want my own little column where I can write nonsense everyday. 

Thank you, and goodnight. 

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