Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So do you want to hear my latest stress out? I'll tell you no matter what. Deal with it. So I decided to extend. I love Orlando, and I love the thought of being able to stay here four extra months!!! I know with every little ounce of Emmilie within me that I am supposed to be here. That is a pretty sweet feeling not going to lie. However comma, there is a little snag. And it has an ugly name that sounds a lot like Insurance. I hate it. And ever since things have changed a little bit with whatnot and all of that, I am finding myself without insurance...especially because of my current student state. If I go back to BYU-I, I will be considered a full time student, and all of my woes will cease. I will have insurance again because the Insurance God's have said so. However, if I defer, I will not be considered a full time student, and therefore I shall weep. Why you may ask? Because I won't be able to stay here in Orlando. That would be the worst day of my life. Like for real. So we'll see how it goes. 

In my heart, I know that it is all going to work out. And I feel that I have received enough direction and guidance from the Lord telling me that my place is here. So I know that SOMETHING is bound to work out. It's just the getting there that likes to stress me out. I love this place! I love this ward! I have never felt at home in a place so fast in my entire life. I just fit here, and I can be myself. It's so awesome. And until then, I can learn more about faith. I heart the Lord and his plan for each of us. Thank you, and goodnight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I freaking love that you have So What on your playlist.