Monday, January 26, 2009

Therapy Bills

Did you ever hear that rumor about Jim Carrey when he was filming How the Grinch Stole Christmas? You know, the one about him wearing the Grinch suit, and how he had to go through therapy for it afterwards? He would apparently dread putting it on, and have somewhat nervous breakdowns. Not even lying. Why this little gossip session? Well, it is turning into my life. Now, I don't have to put on a giant green Grinch suit every day, but close. My costume for work is absolutely horrendous. And it makes me look about 27 pounds heavier, and 32 years older. Oh, and the pants are so short that if I walk briskly, you can see half-way up my calf. (But apparently that is "perfect." Whatev.)If that is not a cause for therapy, I don't know what is. Remember that fish vest? I'm going to start convulsing in the corner because of it. Right now I get to go change into said horrific outfit, and rack up that therapy bill just slightly higher. Thank you, and goodnight. 

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