Thursday, January 29, 2009


So I am officially going to Hell. And here is why: Today at work this little boy and his dad came in. The boy was a little wound up, and was running around the lobby. Then he started waving his arms around, and doing weird things with his fingers. It kind of looked like some kind of tribal rain dance or something, which was fitting because it was in fact raining. It looked like he was playing one of those funny games that all five-year-olds play. So since one of the Disney Basics is to be nice to children, or something, I try to play with him. I too start flailing my arms about, and wiggling my fingers. Then his dad says to me, "Oh, he's trying to speak to you. He's saying that it's raining outside." I almost died right then and there. He was speaking in Sign Language, and I totally made fun of him!!! I felt horrible, but found it too funny to feel any actual embarrassment. It is something I would do. Whatever. The worst part about the whole little Emmilieism was that it happened when the co-worker who I'm pretty sure bitterly hates me was standing next to me. She looked over at me like I was Satan, or something. Which is fitting, because I'm pretty sure that only the devil, or someone possessed by him would make fun of a deaf kid! So dear readers, on a scale of 1 to 10- I being, oh I don't know, damnation, and 10 being, oh, let's say salvation, where do you think this falls. I would love any and all feedback concerning my eternal salvation...or lack thereof. Thank you, and goodnight. 


Shaun Mayo said...

negative 2

Courtney said...

Oh my gosh. Haha. That's so awful and so funny all at the same time. :) I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. You didn't know he was deaf....

Staci said...

I am sure his parents thought it was great that you were trying to interact with him at all.. Don't worry about it.. Parents of kids with disabilities learn very quickly not to get offended easily.. I'm sure your salvation is still in tact!