Thursday, January 14, 2010


Right, so I'm 21. I promise. For the most part, I feel that I look my age. I've never been taken for older than I am, so I suppose that's a positive thing. It's probably the type of thing I'll appreciate more when I'm older. Yet currently, I have not reached that "older" status. Oh no. In fact, it may be possible that I am going backwards. Yesterday, when I went to teach with the sisters something happened that made me laugh out loud. It's a little story that goes a little something like this: The woman who's daughter we were teaching turned to me, and asked me if I go to Fortuna High. As in currently. False. I laughed a little bit, and told her no, I am home from college for a little bit, but would be leaving on a mission in about a month. This makes my age of 21 legit. She looked rather surprised, but expressed excitement for me. I didn't really think anything of it. I heart such nonsense. Then today, I was shopping on Main street, and went into a store with lots of old lady clothes, and some sweet socks that made my heart ache for my dear friend, Kinsey Bowman. Love her. Anyways, the lady greeted me kindly, called me "Hun," and let me browse. Then she asked me in a very motherly way if I was playing hooky from school. Considering the only school near by is Ferndale High School, I assumed that she too thought I looked like I was in High School. "What the eff?" I began to think to myself. This was odd. Twice in a period of two days my age was mistaken for 17. Great. So I finish my shopping, and clutching a bag containing hideous missionary shoes, I head home. My dad was at home when I got there, and one of the first things he says to me is that the guy that works at Valley Grocery thought I looked like I was 17. Incredulity rushed through me. What the St. Francis? I am in fact, NOT 17, thank you very much. Not even close. So I have this weird thing called everyone apparently thinks I am a minor. Awesome. For the record, I am so not. Thank you, and goodnight.

1 comment:

Wendi J said...

I feel your pain! When I was student teaching last year one of the security guards stopped me twice to ask me for a pass. He had forgotten I was a student teacher, I didn't know I looked 14!