Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Okay, so I'm kind of a sinner. One of my favorite places to sin is at the bus stop, and on the bus. Now, before you go on thinking I'm committing some heinous sin, let me set the record straight. It's a little thing called eavesdropping. And let's face it folks, I heart eavesdropping at the bus stop. It's the only place to do it, and these next examples are testimony enough as to why. So I'm sitting there on a bench waiting for the 10:30 C Bus to come and take me to work, and hoping that I really do arrive at 10:57 at the Cast Service Center like I'm supposed to. These bus drivers have been slightly flakey as of late. It's fine. And while I'm waiting, and weighing the options of weather or not I can really afford to get another half point, the girl sitting on the bench across from me starts cheering. She then proceeds to let the whole bus stop know, with a beeping thermometer in hand, that her temperature is in fact normal. I was glad that her body heat was normal, but I worried for her sanity. Just saying is all. She then began to explain to what seemed like a random stranger sitting about 3 feet away from her that her normal body temperature is 97.3 degrees, and when it reaches 100, it is cause for alarm, even though the general public is blessed to only worry about silly things such as fevers when they reach 101. But since hers is 97.3, 100 degrees is a thing to fret over. And, since she has such a low body temperature, she considers herself among her fellow lizards that run around the complex, and is convinced that she is a "col-blooded creature." (true story.) This is another typical example of the nonsensical conversations that I enjoy so much. It was hard not to start laughing out loud just a little bit. But then she went on explaining about all of her medical adventures as of late, and how they have put her on antibiotics. Now this is where our story really begins, dear readers. The seemingly uninterested stranger next to her was apparently her friend. (But I would have tried to sit as far away as I could too. Let's face it.) As this nonsensical girl (we'll call her Phyllis) was explaining about her latest dose of antibiotics, her friend, (We'll call her Stacy) told her how silly she was because let's face it- antibiotics don't really do anything for you any ways. (Um, what? I have several sore throats that would beg to differ.) Phyllis too picked up on this, and was even quicker to reject to this false pretense. But Stacy was quite adamant that antibiotics only worked on viruses. This really sent Phyllis into a fit. She was quite appalled, and quite rudely told Stacy how crazy she was, and how sadly she had been mislead. Phyllis then asked was was a question more directed for the people of Earth, rather than for poor mislead Stacy, but Stacy was who got it. "Is all of humanity this mislead?!" Phyllis exclaims. This is the part where a smile crosses my face, and Stacy looks up, realizes how silly this really is, and tells Phyllis that she does not care to get into this anymore. Phyllis will have none of this, and continues to press the issue as well as question Stacy's intelligence. At this moment, Stacy begins rummaging in her bag for the latest and greatest piece of technology that she can muster up, because lets face it, why would you sit in awkward silence when you could have Lady Gaga's Poker Face blasting in your ears and blocking out the hate. Sadly for Stacy, all her searching was in vane, and all she could muster up was a cell phone out of her pocket. Phyllis was still fuming and announced that they should just split up anyways, and she was going to hit the pool. Stacy thought that that sounded like a good idea. But after a while the 10:30 C Bus came around, and they both got on it- so maybe they will just work it out at Epcot. Dude, whatever. 

Then I watched a couple break up. Yeah. At first I was pretty excited about the copious amounts of drama before my very eyes, and when the couple got on the same bus as me, I was sure to get a seat within earshot of the couple. But then as I watched the girl start to cry, I started to have normal feeling of guilt for intruding on this highly personal moment in their lives. And yes, I felt bad. Kind of a lot. It's fine. But it continues to boggle my mind that all of this kind of crap happens while waiting for the bus. If you ever have a weird experience, 9 times out of 10, it happen while waiting for that wretched bus. So go to a bus stop, and just soak it up, my friend. Soak it up. Thank you, and goodnight. 


Jared said...

WOW.....that is really all that i have to say about this one. WOW. this one goes in the record books like the gym story...again WOW!

kipson said...

It seems as though you attract drama my friend. :) All anyone does at my bus stop is stare awkwardly at the ground avoiding eye contact with the person next to them.