Friday, May 1, 2009


Okay party people, so here's the deal. The other night there was this little thing called the Spring Formal. Now, ordinarily I am highly against such frivolity. Now, don't go thinking that I am against all things frivolous in nature. Oh, no. On the contrary, I highly enjoy frivolity. However, I don't always enjoy high school frivolity, and this was suspiciously similar to prom. And... not really feeling the need to ever repeat that part of my life, I had basically sworn it off. But of course, I got talked into going... and well... I went to the Spring Formal. And you know what? It was awesome! And you know why? Because unlike most of the high school dances that I went to, I didn't have an awkward high school boy as my date. I went with some awesome girl friends of mine, and declared my independence/singularity (I guess you could say.) And it was awesome. I ate steak, which I haven't had since two forevers ago. I danced to Let It Rock; met some harpies; had my hand kissed/licked by a drunken man; and flirted with my eyes. It was a highly enjoyable night. Oh, and I got to wear my favorite dress, and feel like a princess. A solid evening if I do say so myself.  

Brittney and Kate! They were so beautiful!!

Okay, so these two Atmosphere Characters were pretty much the I loved them, and didn't stop laughing for about 8 minutes after I met them. 

My girls... and Chris.
Okay, so this wasn't supposed to be a picture of me, but it captures me dancing in the background, and I think it's hilarious, because it's a little photo that captures real life. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am this awkward of a dancer in real life too. You should be so lucky as to witness this with your own two eyes.  Thank you, and goodnight. 


Shaun Mayo said...

i dont even know what that means

Kinsey said...

i started laughing out loud at that last picture before i even saw the caption. You rock, my friend. And I'm glad you had fun. See you in a few days! :)

will said...

You look maaarvlous....I mean it ...tan and soooooofistikated....I love may help 263 young men toward baptism on your mission....don't break too many hearts...I love you