Thursday, December 3, 2009


Okay, so this is funny. Today I was at work. That's not so funny, but this part is: I was proctoring in the Music Room. The Music Room is great for many reasons. One of which being that it has windows. You can look out them, and know that the sun still does shine even when you are in such a wretched place. It's fine. Today, I look out of said windows and what do I behold? The sun? Well yes. Also, I saw a 7-foot tall snowman walking, yes walking across the quad. Um, what? Yes. I am right. It was one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen in my life. I ran to the window, and stared in a sense of warped fixation. It was one of those moments where you worry about yourself, because you are in fact watching a 7-foot snowman go for a little stroll. There were two girls walking towards the snowman, and they looked just as baffled as I felt. The snowman just offered a little wave to them. They laughed, and kept walking. For about 47.3 seconds after the snowman passed out of sight, I stood there staring. That had just happened. Still, I cannot fully fathom what the crap that was. But there you go. Then I laughed out loud. Thank you, and goodnight.


Heidi Michelle said...

And in that 47.3 seconds 15 people CHEATED cause you weren't watching them like a hawk!! tisk tisk! ha!

Emmilie said...

hahaha my bad. my bad.