Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nonsense on Repeat

Right, so I had a sort of epiphany today. I realized that dating is really just nonsense on repeat. Everyone in the world has dating problems, love problems, boy problems, girl problems, commitment problems, or what have you. Everyone hates the institution called dating. Granted you might have a good date here or there, but you know you hate the overall process and concept. Make a total stranger fall for you. No bueno. But think about it! All of life's problems with dating are really only one problem; one problem that constantly repeats. For example: for the longest time, anyone who knew me knew that I hated dating, because I only ever dated creepers. I had pity date after pity date, and after so long, I found that I had convinced myself that I would only ever get pity dates because that was all I was ever good for. False. Then I went to this lovely little place called Orlando where I discovered that I had this thing called agency, and could therefore say the blessed word, "No." That was empowering. And I used that power and that agency, and my life improved. I learned that I was worth more than my comical dating life. Suddenly, I wasn't defined as Emmilie without a boyfriend, I was just Emmilie. I learned how to be happy being just Emmilie, and I stopped putting limitations on my happiness. No longer would I be happy when I was dating someone. No longer would I be happy when I was thinner. No longer would I be happier when I got married. I was going to be happy now; what a difference that made. Being happy everyday is infinitely better than being happy tomorrow. So, when I stopped the repetition of dating creepers, I was happy dating. I went on dates, had fun, thought about what I wanted, about who I was, but most importantly- I was happy! Weird how that works. Granted there were moments of frustration: "Why can't things be different??" "Why can't he just like me?!" "What the crap does that mean???" Yet after the moments of frustration, and the minutes of exasperation, I was able to be happy again. 
Yet single people all over the world are living their lives in a nonsensical repetition that is undesirable by all! They continue to live their lives in repeat; repeating those stupid blind dates; repeating being the girl constantly put in the friend category; repeating being "My big brother, Mark;" repeating being that go to guy when I'm having relationship problems; repeating not being able to say how you really feel. Why? Why do we repeat such nonsense that drives us insane?! That rubbish that pushes us to the limit, and makes us vow that we'll never love again, only to be dazzled by that handsome allusive stranger who just exacerbates the repetition. Blast you attractive men. 
Whatever it is though, we continue to do it, day in and day out, unwilling to break the bonds of conformity and find true and everlasting bliss. Yet there comes a day when suddenly that conformity is broken. Suddenly you say how you feel; suddenly you are not the girl in the friend zone; suddenly she doesn't think of you as her big brother, Mark, but realizes that she's in love with you. Suddenly things are different, and different is glorious. And that's what drives people to matrimony. They have broken the constricting bonds of conformity, and found love. And who'd have thunk. No longer are they living each day the same, dealing with the same madness over and over. Instead everyday is a wonderful new surprise- and it is glorious. Thank you, and goodnight. 

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