Monday, September 21, 2009

Chick Flicks

Okay, so some days, I don't love chick flicks. They are all the same crap, and they try to make you think that it's real life, and it happens all the time. You are fed situation after situation of boy meets girl in the most bizarre, comical, awkward, unlikely and charming ways. Then the media, bless them, keeps you on the edge of your seat often times in agony, dying to know weather or not these two people who in real life are, let's face it, pretty pathetic finally get together. Then they do and kiss it out as the credits roll, leaving women all over America to bemoan their current state, find a dry patch of that nasty damp tissue, wipe their eye, and wish that their girls night was blessed with the company of the male sex. Let's examine this.

Situation 1:

Girl meets boy. Girl can't stand boy. Boy continues to be his idiotic self, and eventually they fall in love. I have met boys that I can't stand. We never fell in love. Promise. This is not real life. And what exactly does this say about women? That finally we just cave and fall for the first loser that comes along who will take us? Come on, ladies. Help a sister out here. 

Situation 2: 

Girl meets boy. Boy meets girl. Animosity ensues, but 2 and a half hours later all major character flaws are resolved, and they fall in love. Once again, I have been in relationships of mutual dislike. Again, we never fell in love. Lies, they are all lies. 

Situation 3: 

Boy meets girl. Boy and girl become friends. Boy and girl become best friends. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl get married. 20 bucks say that boy and girl get divorced 13 years later. This kind of crap doesn't happen. 

Situation 4: 

Boy meets girl. Boy and girl decided that the timing is off. Boy and girl decide to meet in a few years. Girl goes to meet boy 5 years later, oh and gets hit by a cab. Boy is sad she never shows, but finds out then truth and the get together. I'm still mad about that movie... I bawled my eyes out. 

Situation 5: 

Boy meets girl. Girl is awkward, boy is awesome. Girl is ugly, boy is gorgeous. Girl takes off her glasses, pulls her hair out of her face, puts on a sweater that fits, and boy falls in love with her. Boy and girl get together and live happily ever after. Yeah right. 

Okay, so I don't know where all of this negativity came from, but whatever. It's fine. It needed to come out. Perhaps it's because I'm watching a chick flick with my roommate right now, getting more irritated by the minute. Pray for me. Thank you, and goodnight. 


Unknown said...

get outta me.

Corey Lyn said...

I hear ya sister!!!

will said...

I go with situation 3.......not to be Mr. Obvious but none have the Temple in them so that boy and girl never get the real deal....and I do mean the xtra super sized deal