Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dear Earth:

Right, so I just experienced my second earthquake. Awesome sauce. This time it was a 6.0 magnitude, and I wasn't as close to the epicenter. But it still pretty legit. This is my second intense quake in less than a month.

Dear Earth, could you tone it down a bit? That's all I have to say. Love, Emmilie.

Don't get me wrong, the first one was pretty sweet, just because I could say that I was awesome, and had lived through an earthquake. This time it was like having to watch a crappy re-run of a mediocre sitcom that you really don't like all that much in the first place. I could have done without it. Now, every loud gust of wind, or diesel truck that passes makes my heart stop just a little bit. Aftershock? False. Gust of wind, or diesel truck. That's the problem with hearing the earthquake before feeling it. Everything stresses you out afterward. It's totally fine.

But it's all okay, because nothing broke, and we still have power. Life is good. Thank goodness for building codes. Please bless Haiti. Thank you, and goodnight.


Hannah said...

this is hilarious! Well, the way that you wrote it is funny. The situation sucks. I didn't know they were having earthquakes of that magnitude over there... NPR isn't reporting them. :( I know that they are always in the middle of an earthquake, but a 6?? Haiti's first was a 6.5 or 7....

Emmilie said...

It was a 7.0. We had one about a month ago that was a 6.5. That was pretty awesome. Not gonna lie. And by awesome I mean not. It's fine. Love you!